July 26, 2024

How to Achieve Better Conversion Rates for Your IVF Treatment Advices?

The Challenge

The fertility treatment market is highly competitive, and centres invest heavily in marketing to convert leads into patients. Realizing the full customer lifetime value depends on factors like the initial consultation, registration, history tracking, treatment advice, loan facilities, and the conversion of advice to cycle allocation. Without visibility into this workflow, it’s nearly impossible to identify and rectify gaps. Remember, “What get measured improves”.

The Solution

  1. Streamlined Documentation: Ensure doctors have an easy-to-use system to record treatment advice accurately. This information should seamlessly transition to the counselling team.
  2. Effective Counselling: The counselling team should have predefined materials to discuss options with patients and record their observations, capturing details like advised treatments, tentative timelines, status, and other relevant information.
  3. Automated Follow-Ups: Implement system-triggered events to send meaningful reminders via multiple channels (WhatsApp, patient portal, email) at regular intervals. These reminders can address misconceptions, provide educational material, offer discounts, and detail finance and EMI options.
  4. Set Targets: Establish aggressive yet realistic conversion targets. Depending on the centre’s maturity, targets can range from 30% to 60%. Falling below this range is a red flag.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly measure progress and strive for improvement. This reflects the counselling team’s performance, guiding adjustments to treatment packages based on feedback and market conditions.

ARTis: Your Partner in Success

You might wonder how to implement such a comprehensive system without an existing tool. This is where ARTis steps in. We’ve simplified tracking and management, leading to significant improvements in cycle conversions across multiple centres.

How ARTis Works

  1. Consultation Note Entry: Doctors easily input detailed consultation notes, selecting treatment advice from available options and specifying tentative cycle dates.
  2. Real-Time Updates: This instantly generates a treatment advice report for the team to review and update. During discussions, authorized counsellors add their comments.
  3. Follow-Up and Conversion: Decision-making often requires multiple discussions. ARTis sends timely alerts to patients who haven’t responded, allowing the clinic to engage with innovative follow-up methods. Successful conversions are a win for both the marketing team and the counsellor.
  4. Handling Non-Conversions: Not every lead converts immediately. Feedback on pricing, offers, and timing helps tailor follow-ups. Customized packages can salvage these prospects, benefiting the operations team.
  5. Accepting Losses: Inevitably, some leads won’t convert. While not targeting 100%, recognizing and learning from these instances is crucial.


Want to learn more or see ARTis in action? Schedule a demo today and discover how easy it is to track treatment advices and improve conversion rates. We’re excited to show you the innovative features ARTis offers!

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